Monday 9 January 2012

It has been said that the only sure thing in life is change. Well, we might add death. Much as we would prefer not to dwell on it, the truth is we are all sure to shake hands with the grim reaper one day. For many people living on the fast lane of high wire corporate world, that day may come sooner than they would imagine- unless they begin to take evasive action now!
Here are some scientific strategies that can be employed to add years of good living to your future, and help you to enjoy your success longer.
1.       DRINK AT LEAST TWO LITRES OF WATER DAILY- Loma Linda University scientist found that people who drank this amount of water everyday were54% less likely to suffer a fatal heart attack than those who drank less.
2.       WHEN SICK, CALL YOUR DOCTOR, THEN YOUR BOSS- A U.K study found that over a three year period, people who went to work despite feeling sick had double the heart attack risk of those who stayed in bed or called their doctor.
3.       DON’T IGNORE THE FIRE IN YOUR CHEST- Untreated heartburn can lead to a heart attack, so says a study published in the International Journal of Cardiology. As acid levels in the esophagus rise, the incidence of blocked blood flow to the heart also rises by 20%
4.       COCOA IS NOT JUST FOR THE KIDS- Consuming just four grams of cocoa per day can cut your risk of dying from heart disease by 50%. So go ahead and struggle with your kids for your own daily cup of hot cocoa or that bar of dark chocolate, its nothing to be ashamed about!
5.       TAKE A DAILY MULTIVITAMIN- Lets face it, its usually difficult to find enough time to eat a balanced diet. Rather we settle for the popular fast food which is lacking in the life giving essential nutrients that our bodies need. So, pop a pill everyday to stay healthy.
6.       EAT FRUITS APLENTY-If you consume more than five servings of fruits and vegetables per day, you have a 26% lower risk of a stroke than people who ate fewer than three servings, according to a recent U.K study.
7.       HAVE YOUR BLOOD SUGAR LEVEL TESTED – High blood sugar leads to diabetes which dramatically increases your chances of developing cardiovascular disease and kidney problems. A warning sign is fasting blood sugar that’s higher than 100mg per deciliter. Talk to your healthcare provider about how to control your blood sugar.
8.       KEEP A LID ON IT AND CHILL OUT – Men who frequently express anger outwardly are more than twice as likely to suffer a stroke as those who control their tempers. Whenever you feel about to explode, take a deep breath, and take a break.
9.       HELP WITH CHORES – A recent study found that doing 150 calories worth of chores a day can lower high blood pressure by 13 points. The reduction lasts for only about 8 hours, but make it a daily habit and you can lower your BP in the long term. Added bonus: helping out more with the housework may improve your sex life too!
10.   LIVE YOUR LIFE IN A SMOKE FREE ZONE – Second hand smoke, apart from boosting your lung cancer risk, also raises your chances of having diabetes by 40%- nearly the same as smoking does.
11.   WHEN DRIVING, GO HANDS FREE – Apart from being against the law, holding your cell phone to your ear when driving is downright stupid and dangerous. Not only are you likely to kill yourself, you are a hazard to others as well!
12.   THINK POSITIVE – Scientists from Purdue found that constant worrying shortens your lifespan by 16 years.
13.   MAKE LOVE, NOT WAR – Several researchers have found a link between physical and emotional intimacy and longevity. Married couples live longer than unmarried or divorced people. A satisfactory sex life reduces the risk of prostate enlargement in men and reduces the severity or incidence of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and menopausal symptoms in women. So when next either of you rolls over and reaches for the other, don’t say no. its really good for your health!

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